Monday, September 15, 2008

My body is currently under construction

I keep thinking that maybe my body shouldn't be an apple shape. Maybe something more like a heart shape. Since it's full of love and love handles at the moment. As many of you know.... I don't have a thyroid. This past year I have been trying to be patient(a virtue I don't have) and have reached my limits! My body has been slowly gaining weight a sad... 30 pounds in one year. I have recently started a new med. on a higher dose so I am hoping this will change things for my body. I have still been working out... eating good... and all the other fun things. I am still the same crazy obsessed workout person I was. So if you see me.... just know I am not pregnant, or getting lazy, or if you hear any rumors shoot them down for me! If anyone is down with an a.m. workout ... let me know! So hopefully, upward and onward!!!!


Leif, Jacove, Zana, Noah & Ewan said...

I really hope your new meds work! That has to be so frustrating for you.
I would be your am workout partner if your lived by me!! I just started back to 5:45am again. You could always move to Denver ;0)!!!

Rebecca Pierce said...

Leah, I feel for you and I know your pain (thought I don't work as hard to prevent it). I'd be down for a 6-7 workout, but no one else is...are you? Let me know. My kids and everyone else's kids ask me daily if I have a baby in my tummy. I just say, "I hope so!" Still, it is humiliating at times.

Rachel Hudgins said...

Ugh! How frustrating for you. I have high hopes for this new med! I am trying to mentally prepare myself for an a.m. workout schedule. I am not there yet...but ask me in a couple weeks. I am just getting out of the baby night wakings and I am loving my sleep...but I know I need to get it together. I'd have to do a 5:30-6:30....when I am mentally there and ready.