Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ella's first and second meets

This MLK DAy Ella had her first official meet at the Seattle Open 2010.  I have been trying to get my kids to set goals and I figure shoot for the moon and you'll end somewhere in the stars.  She did so well.  I think I would throw up but she said she was shooting for a 39.  Which would be almost perfect 10s on everything.  Watch out Carly Patterson!  She ended up with getting 3rd place on the floor with a 7.9  and  third place on vault with a 9.0.  She ended up 6th on bars with a 7.5 and 5th on beam 7.5.  (out of 10 girls) But, my favorite heart felt moment came tonight at practice when one of her best friends did a round off back handspring by herself.  She cheered and ran and  bear hugged her to the ground.  I am happy she did so well but even prouder of the person she is inside.  I have also added a few pictures from her second meet.  She ended up with a 32 overall.  Her team got third place at this meet.

This weekend we shared a moment with Marilyn, Elvis, and James Dean

Ben is celebrating his big 30 this week and so we celebrated by soaking our pasty white skin in Palm Springs!  We were able to go with a few friends and had so much fun!  It was a dream for Ben to have a little competition swimming in the pool (even though he lost)and racing go karts(even though he lost), not to mention golf(tied with Rachel).  He is always up for a little competition. We ended up finding a hip local hotel that was like Melrose Place .  This picture shows my favorite thing done on the entire trip!  

I WANNA SOAK UP THE SUN.... even though I am getting more wrinkles. That's me finishing my own song .

I know my feet are not model perfect..... but it's my favorite action shot!  Happy b day BEN!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Ever since we have had this house I have been visualizing this makeover. Here is our new flooring. Ben installed it..... yeah honey!! Now we need to do a few finish touches with some paint and doorway trim. I love it...