Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Road To Heaven?

For Mother's Day I went back to MAui with my friend Rachel.  We have enjoyed the friendship of the Hudgins and getting to know them better this past year.  I appreciate how Jason spent countless hours teaching Ben how to change his brakes. (which means Rachel spent countless hours watching her kids by herself)  He has also come to help with our furnace and helped us fix our car when it was leaking.  All of these things would have cost us hundreds..... and the Hudgins are so quick to serve.  So I wanted to say thank you! Even though Rachel got sick the first day and then burnt the second and on the third I was puking my guts out I hoped she had as much fun as I did.  A quick shout out was that she went snorkeling!  Even though there were some  fish with teeth swimming towards us and we could see an eel slithering on the bottom of the ocean floor  she toughed it out.  Thanks for going with me and enduring the crazy road to Hana or h- e- double hockey sticks!


Ondrea said...

How FUN! What a great get-away!

Rebecca Pierce said...

Where are the pics of the sun burn and the puking! Come on!